Grow business with analytics & insights

See how campaigns impact your bottom line. Spot gaps in product and service adoption. Craft winning strategies to maximize results.

Measure what matters

Go beyond measuring click-through rates. Compare your adoption benchmarks (e.g., direct deposit enrollment rate) or campaign goals to actual campaign performance.

Measure what matters

Go beyond measuring click-through rates. Compare your adoption benchmarks (e.g., direct deposit enrollment rate) or campaign goals to actual campaign performance.

Calculate your monetary contribution

Calculate the monetary value the platform delivered to your institution.

Calculate your monetary contribution

Calculate the monetary value the platform delivered to your institution.

  • A blue trophy is displayed when beating the platform average.
  • A green trophy is displayed when you are the top performer of a given value driver.

Compare your performance

Compare your performance

  • See how your performance stacks up to other institutions using the platform.
  • Compare the performance of multiple campaigns side-by-side.
  • See which campaigns perform best in achieving particular objectives.
  • Easily leverage the best-performing assets.

See data visualizations

  • Detect objective completion trends over time.
  • Analyze data by month, quarter, or year.
  • Discover new optimization opportunities.

See data visualizations

Detect objective completion trends over time. Discover new optimization opportunities.

Know your audience

  • Easily see which customers or members have specific products and services - and who can adopt them.
  • Know how many people are enrolled in campaigns and how they are engaging.

Know your audience

Understand widget & tool usage

Understand widget & tool usage

  • See how customers and members interact with widgets and tools. Understand how those interactions impact behavior.
  • Automatically retarget customers and members with personalized campaigns based on their actions or inactions.
  • (e.g., ​Retarget those who deposit less than 100% of their paychecks or abandon a process like account opening or updating their default payment methods.)
  • Instantly deliver personalized offers based on survey responses.

Drill in for additional insights

  • Understand where and how your objectives were completed to attribute the impact.
  • Filter your data to drill in on particular objectives (e.g., direct deposit enrollment) to determine whether particular campaigns resonate.
  • Filter your data by time period, interactions, and other factors. Easily export the data for further analysis.
  • Filter your data by date range to discover seasonality trends, measure the omnichannel marketing impact, and report on time-specific goals.
  • Access detailed analytics to understand customer and member trends on a deeper level.
  • See how contacts interact with campaigns to achieve your objectives. Retarget those that still need to take action.

Drill in for additional insights

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