Download the whitepaper & watch the panel discussion

Ongoing Onboarding:
The Antidote for Disengaged, Unprofitable Customers

Read the whitepaper to discover:

  • Why fully engaged customers are coveted because they buy more financial products and use digital channels more deeply—yet are also much more fickle and hard to please.
  • Why it pays to turn inactive customers into fully engaged customers.
  • Why ongoing onboarding is so much more complex than it was even five years ago.
  • What you need to do to develop a successful 7-step model for ongoing onboarding that will expedite direct deposit switching, sever ties with the previous FI, win pole position for P2P, deepen digital engagement, and ultimately position your institution as the first place that customers and members turn when they have a financial need or shop for financial products.

Watch the panel discussion with Digital Onboarding and Javelin Strategy & Research

Download the whitepaper

Banks and credit unions have poured resources into the account opening journey to streamline the process from “Apply Now” to “Funds Accepted.” But it’s the onboarding process that comes afterward that will truly dictate whether new applicants will take steps to adopt the new financial institution as their primary FI, not just another FI.

In simpler times, traditional onboarding relied on a marketing outreach campaign in the first months after a customer opened a new account. But that sort of old-school onboarding isn’t going to cut it anymore in a mobile-first era when apps and digital banking are packed with features designed to deepen banking relationships and boost profitability. 

Best-in-class “ongoing onboarding” practices ultimately determine which institution wins primary status, where consumers turn for additional financial products, which card wins top-of-wallet and top-of-phone status, and other key indicators of a profitable relationship.

Learn about Javelin's Digital Engagement Index, which distills over 50 digital banking habits among U.S. consumers into a single indicator that predicts customer and member engagement levels.

We hope you enjoy, Ongoing Onboarding: The Antidote for Disengaged, Unprofitable Customers.
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